North Eugene Babe Ruth families, our biggest fundraiser of the year is upon us:

  1. What is so important about the Raffle? We sell raffle tickets to raise money for field and complex maintenance, and other program costs. This year, we are planning to make much needed upgrades and improvements to our batting cages and dugouts!
  2. What do I do with the 25 tickets I’ve already received? Those tickets are paid for in full as part of your player’s registration fee. Turn them in to win a prize for yourself, or sell them for $2 each to recoup up to $50 of player fees.
  3. Are there any prizes for the player who sells the most tickets? Yes! This year, NEBR’s top seller will receive:
    • #1 Seller: a $200 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods
    • #2 Seller: a $100 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods
    • #3 Seller: a $50 gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods
    • #1 Top Selling NEBR team: A pizza party for your team, care of Overhead Door!
  4. Can I get more tickets to sell? Absolutely! Contact Katie Schnider @ to connect for additional tickets.
  5. When do I turn in sold Rmailto:NEBRbaseball@gmail.comaffle tickets? Raffle tickets are due by Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024. We’ll coordinate with coaches and team parents on how to best collect these.
  6. When / where is the drawing? April 7th, 2025, at the Babe Ruth Complex. You are not required to be present to win.
  7. What are the prizes? CASHHHHHHH!
    • First Prize: 🎊 $1000 Cash 🎊
    • Second Prize: 🥳 $500 Cash 🙌
    • Third Prize: 🎉 $250 Cash 🎉
  8. If I win a prize, how will I be contacted? If you take one thing from this post, please take this: Write your contact information on your raffle ticket stub, and make sure it is legible! This is the one and only way the WVBR board will know how to contact you. Leave your chicken scratch for the prescription pad, doc.

If you are ready for more tickets to sell, or have any questions about the raffle, email the board at

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